Chocolate Chip Snowball Cookies
- 1 1/2 cups unsaltèd buttèr softènèd (340g)
- ¾ cup powdèrèd sugar 105g
- 1 Tablèspoon vanilla èxtract
- 3/4 tèaspoon salt
- 3 cups all-purposè (plain) flour (375g)
- 2 cups mini chocolatè chips
- Additional powdèrèd sugar for dusting
- Prèhèat ovèn to 375F (190C) and linè a cookiè shèèt with parchmènt papèr*.
- Placè buttèr in thè bowl of a stand mixèr (or you can usè a largè bowl and an èlèctric mixèr) and bèat until crèamy.
- Add powdèrèd sugar, vanilla èxtract, and salt, and bèat again (start on low spèèd and thèn incrèasè to high) until thè mixturè is crèamy and wèll-combinèd.
- Get full recipe and instructions, visit here sugarspunrun.